Maple Ginger Cake and Mother Earth News!
Fall raspberries from my garden.
Page 42 of Mother Earth News.
It's almost superfluous to tell anyone how to use maple syrup. This came out of issue No. 14, of Mother Earth News in March of 1972.
Well I certainly did not know much about maple syrup having grown up in Minnesota. So it was fun to discover this issue on Maple sugaring and read this article after knowing what I know now versus back in 1972. I acquired this magazine from an old home which is getting remodeled. I used to read this magazine vigilantly in my 20's, day dreaming about all sorts of living conditions and different places to locate and live off the land!
When I came upon this recipe within the pages, I just had to make it. How easy it sounded and also I appreciated the fact that maple syrup was the only sweetener. Upon eating this cake there were no disappointments. I savored in the moistness of the cake and richness in flavor of maple syrup. The golden color on the outside was beautiful and the maple frosting complimented the cake nicely!
This cake is worth taking the time to make! Frost with your favorite maple frosting and decorate with raspberries!!
Pickings from my garden!
Ready to place in oven.
Time to read and eat cake!
Fresh ginger at the market.