Kodiak Bear
-August, 2021 –
Last month I wrote about how many things we had on the farm. I confidently said we had 30 chickens. To quote I said, “number of chickens = 30!” Well, it was two weeks later that our broody hen appeared with one single chick. She’s a good mom out there showing L’il Kimmie how to forage among the old ladies, Liberace, and those teenagers. Number of chickens = 31!
Kodi has arrived!
As promised, this is the puppy addition of our newsletter. Kodiak Bear or Kodi entered farm life 3 weeks ago. He is the fluffiest floof you ever saw. He is full of curiosity, mischief and discombobulation all at once. There was an absence of farm harmony that first week of Kodi’s farm life. Juneau stalked around with a look of disdain, “how could you do this to me?” Flash practically moved out, but the treats are too good to make rash decisions. Our little Kodi was oblivious that the other dogs really didn’t like him. There are some life lessons to be had from watching a puppy. Feeling unwanted? Just run at someone as hard as you can and jump on their head. They’ll come around. Indeed, Juneau has come around. She plays with Kodi and is generally tolerant of his antics – even that jumping on her head thing. We have now remembered that raising a puppy is exhausting but I know why we forget that too. Puppies are cute and their clumsiness and stubbornness make you laugh hard just when you think you are at the end of your rope. Isn’t that the best life lesson? Just to laugh.
“Get him away from me” turned into “hey, let’s play in less than one week.”
Last weekend was the Mass Maple Producers Association annual picnic, held here in Worthington. We were open for farm tours before the event and had lots of folks come see the farm. It was great to get to see and meet other producers. For a while there was a group of us hanging out at the sugarhouse, talking maple, asking questions, and learning from each other. There is no competition among maple producers, just a desire to learn how and why you may do something differently, and thoughtfully discuss the pros and cons of that approach for your own situation. Hmmm, another life lesson maybe? Thanks to everyone that came by and to Mass Maple, it was a great day.
Did someone say, "blueberries?"
In most of New England, it is blueberry season. I leave you with a recipe that has been in my family for as long as I can remember - Blueberry Buckle. I believe I have made it better using our maple sugar vs the refined stuff. Happy August.
We are back at the Amherst and Great Barrington Farmers Markets for the season and attending various in-person festivals. Check out our website for where to find us. We're looking forward to seeing you!