Maple Strawberry Kefir - Gluten Free
I love making kefir with whole milk and fresh or frozen organic berries. Homemade kefir will contain a larger number of probiotics than will commercial kefir. You can use kefir grains (not really a grain but yeast bacteria / fermentation starter) repeatedly to brew this milk kefir. This kefir has a slight sour taste and effervescent texture. This creamy drink has a touch of maple to balance the flavors. It is a probiotic drink that you will enjoy making and drinking regularly. For more information about the health benefits of this probiotic drink check this site out.
1 Cup Kefir Grains (given to me from a friend)
¼ Cup Justamere's Maple Syrup
1 Quart Raw Whole Milk
Make homemade kefir from your whole milk. I used Meghan Slocum's technique at the Whole Natural Life blog. My kefir grains came from a friend, but they can also be bought online.
Combine berries, maple syrup, and kefir in the blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and enjoy!