That's a Wrap
-April , 2022 –
Seasons Last Boil
You can feel the end coming to sugaring season. The days are warmer and longer. It rains instead of snows. A phoebe sings as you collect the sap and frogs call in the background. We spent the last few weeks looking warily at the forecast - which seemed to change hourly this spring - hoping for cooler temps. We have been at odds with friends and neighbors who are hoping for warmth and daffodils. We asked winter to hang on just a few more days. This year it did. Monday was our last boil of the season.
Bubble McSteamy working on the last 40 gallons of the season
On Monday afternoon we made 40 gallons of good, late season (very dark strong) syrup. We discussed trying for another day, another boil, and decided to let the trees keep the rest of their sap. Smiles broke out around the sugar house. A cheer. Then high fives. We were all tired, happy, grateful and fulfilled. I walked over and turned the off the vacuum pumps and relaxed into the silence. The ever present hum of the engines were gone but the woods were not silent. Phoebe was still singing. Then I heard a red-winged blackbird call, a song sparrow. I walked down to empty the releaser one last time and that is when I heard it - spring peepers! Winter was gone and the tiny frogs were happily announcing that spring was here.
Phoebe singing is a harbinger of spring
Full Circle
I cannot overstate the feeling of accomplishment and gratitude after a successful season. We spent the rest of the week removing all our taps (done), cleaning tanks (done), and getting ready for the next phase (almost done? never done). In a week (really?) Abby, Jacob, and Ben will move on to greener trails and pastures. We could not have done it without them. Best of luck in your adventures Maple Crew. We miss you already.
No farm could function without help. Thank you Ben, Abby, and Jacob. Please come back???